Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to pay for this?
No, the service we offer is totally free. All we ask of you is that you be a current high school pupil (or someone contacting us on their behalf — i.e. a teacher, parent or guardian) and that you think beforehand about the questions or topics where you would most benefit from our help, so that we can have as structured and productive a conversation as possible.

What happens after I submit my details?
We will identify a mentor who is best placed to help you, and then put you in touch with them by email or by phone. It may take a little while for us to find the right person, so please be patient if you don’t hear from us immediately.

I’ve already spoken with a mentor, and now realise I have some follow-up questions that I didn’t ask first time around. Can I speak to my mentor again, or to another mentor?
Yes, absolutely. Planning your career is a process — sometimes a long one — and we will do our best to help you at every stage. Sometimes your original mentor may be unavailable when you get back in contact, in which case we’ll put you in touch with someone else.

Do you offer work experience placements or work shadowing opportunities?
That is not generally part of the service we provide. However, it may be that in particular cases we can connect you with someone who is looking to fill a placement or who knows someone else who is. At a minimum, we should have some ideas about where you can look for placements, and what kinds of placement might be best for you.

I’m not planning to attend university or pursue a “conventional” career. Are you still able to help me?
Yes, absolutely. Whatever your aspirations or field of interest, we’re confident we can find someone who will be able to help you.

I’m interested in a career or field that is not represented on your Steering Committee. Can you still help me?
Yes, our network of mentors is far larger than our Steering Committee. Whatever your aspirations or field of interest, we’re confident we can find someone who will be able to help you.

I’m nervous about speaking with a mentor, and/or worried I’ll be inconveniencing them. Should I be?
Definitely not. Our mentors are here to help. There is nothing to be nervous about — they remember how it felt to be in your shoes, and how challenging it was to chart a path beyond high school.

I attend private school. Am I still eligible to participate?
Yes, absolutely. Our priority is helping state school students — because that is where we have identified the greatest need and have the most experience — but we will gladly do our best to help you too.

I attend school in England. Am I eligible to participate?
Yes, absolutely. Our priority is Scottish state school students — because that is where we have most experience and believe we can be most useful — but we will gladly do our best to help you too.

I have a question that is not addressed here. What should I do?
Get in touch! You can reach us at